From Let’s Have a Bite!
In the town of Fair-Dinkum-on-Ash
They hold an annual bash
Where the prize is a neat pile of cash
For winning the hundred-yard dash.
With many a cut and a gash
Their shells tumble up in a hash
While they run as though stung by a lash,
And the racers end up in a mash
From trying maneuvers too rash!
The turtles compete for a sash
So you bet the behavior is brash!
And this year the winner was Crash
Who rounded the course in a flash!
The teeth of the turtles did gnash
As Crash gave a shove and a slash
That set off the final grand smash
And let him go home with the stash,
Leaving others to clean up the trash.
His boast to the crowd made a splash:
“Next year all you dashers I’ll thrash!”