Time to get rolling with the website! I will be working on the various parts over this week, so bear with me as I learn all the parts to make it work, such as setting up the pages so they look right.
On Nov 17 and 18 as part of the Miami Book Fair International, I went to 4 local area schools, to read some poems and talk about what poetry is. Then on the 19th, on to the fair for a big reading. It was a joyful three days.

At Carlos J. Finlay Elementary in Miami, I read some of my poems and then answer good questions and discuss ideas on writing.

I am surrounded by a smart group of students!

At the Fair, I did a reading and discussion of my books and the world of poetry to about 200 school kids.
Meanwhile, please check out my Facebook page at facebook.com/robertlforbes to see updates and photo albums of travels and events these past months with the launch of LET’S HAVE A BITE!, my second book of rhymed poetry. Some great book fairs and schools and libraries along the way. More to come, so stay tuned. And be sure to send me some of your poems for posting on my site!